Stay in touch
You have visited my website and read all about me; now I would like to know more about you! Write to me as if you were emailing a friend because a friendly little note goes a long way toward establishing rapport. Still, you don’t know where to start? Just tell me a bit of yourself, what drew you to me, and a small account of how, when and where you would like to spend our time together. Also, let me know if you have any preferences as to my services, music, attire, or anything else that you think would enhance the occasion?
Communication – My preferred method of contact is the form on this page as it contains all the necessary information I require. Please do double-check that your email address is correct! Otherwise, I might not be able to reply. You can email me, but if you do, make sure you include all the information requested. The more thorough you are in filling this out, the sooner we’ll be able to meet.
Sophia Moon
London Independent Escort
Westminister / Marylebone
United Kingdom
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